Relax sounds of aromatherapy
Relax sounds of aromatherapy

relax sounds of aromatherapy

  • Geraniol (found in Citronella, Geranium, Rose Geranium, and Palmarosa essential oils)Īromatherapy makes use of the innate properties of pure essential oils to achieve a positive outcome in an individual's health or well-being.
  • Citronellol (found in Citronella, Geranium, Rose Geranium, and Eucalyptus essential oils).
  • Linalyl acetate (found in Lavender, Bergamot, and Clary Sage essential oils).
  • Linalool (found in Lavender, Bergamot, Ylang Ylang, Clary Sage, Ho Wood, Basil, and Rosemary essential oils).
  • Limonene (found in Lemon, Orange Butter, Lime, Bergamot, and other citrus essential oils).
  • In addition, the essential oil constituents noted in research studies for their calming, relaxing, sedative, or muscle-soothing effects when inhaled or absorbed through topical application include: Some of the essential oils reputed for their calming or anxiolytic effects and mentioned in aromatherapy remedies for anxiety include: Today, there is a wealth of accumulated research conducted on the effect of essential oils on stress, anxiety, and related issues, including insomnia and depression.

    relax sounds of aromatherapy

    Lavender Essential Oil is a well-known example of this many have experienced the soothing, calming, uplifting quality of Lavender's enchanting scent.

    relax sounds of aromatherapy

    The synergy between the vast number of chemical constituents comprising certain essential oils have been known to have a positive impact on one's mood, attitude, and overall psychological state. Since the 1900s, aromatherapists have made use of the enticing aromas and valuable properties of various essential oils to treat mental ailments. In clinical cases, this stress response may be abnormally heightened or last a prolonged period of time, affecting one's day-to-day functioning. Although unpleasant, this mental state is typically the body's normal response to a perceived threat and is physiologically known as the 'fight or flight' response: our heart rate increases, the pulse quickens, blood gets diverted to our muscles, and a surge of hormones including cortisol is released as our body prepares to face or flee danger. Modern life is rife with problems and stressors, which can often give rise to the commonly experienced feeling of doom or fear also known as 'stress' or 'anxiety'. An aromatherapy bath uses scented oil blends to create a sacred personal space that helps the mind and body renew and recover from stress, worry, and fatigue.ĪROMATHERAPY FOR RELAXATION OF THE BODY & MIND.They can also be used to support prayer and meditative practices such as mindfulness. The inhalation of essential oils with anxiolytic or sedative properties can help with stress or anxiety-related issues such as difficulty falling asleep.An aromatherapy massage makes use of the mind-body connection to impart a deep sense of peace and relaxation in the body, which in turn can help calm down a restless mind.Aromatherapy techniques for relaxation include massage, inhalation, and establishing bathing self-care rituals.The soothing aromas of certain essential oils can help ground and balance one's mental state and offer relief from stress or negative experiences. The power of natural scents and fragrances have long been accepted in the field of aromatherapy.

    Relax sounds of aromatherapy